So, some of you might have noticed a bit of a kerfuffle around SPOTREPS – A Maelstrom Rising Anthology during the last couple of days. Someone (identity unknown and uninvestigated due to a complete lack of giving a damn) pulled a drive-by on the reviews within the first few hours after it went live.
Most of their one-star review was gibberish. Mike Kupari had to look some of the nonsense jargon up. Turns out, the “reviewer” (who most likely did not like the book and had a grudge against one or another of the authors) was using specifically “ethno-nationalist” terms. Their bitch was that we didn’t buy into the idea that the only viable foundation for a nation-state is race. That a republic based on the Natural Law and the equality of all under the law was “magic” and in no way preferable to Marxism and Communism.
Larry Correia promptly rubbed his big hands in glee and turned his considerable fanbase loose. We call it a “Hooning.” (Long story.) Many bought the book out of sheer spite. If the racist punk who tried to drag it through the mud was hoping to damage the anthology, their hatred had the opposite effect.
Weaponized Outrage Judo, indeed.
As LawDog put it, pissing off an actual fascist is just icing on the cake.
Fascists might have been pikers in the body count arena compared to actual Communists, but they’re still plenty vile.
Add to the list of “bought it because it outraged some delicate snowflake somewhere.”
Words are free speech even if you don’t like them buttercup. This is America and we get to say what we think.
And the comments back to the review are GLORIOUS!!! 🙂
I honestly hadn’t gone to look.
Yup. Scorched Earth.