Something in the Dark Chapter 1

Something in the Dark Chapter 1

While I couldn’t put my finger on it when I drove into town, there was something about Leutenburg that was just a little off. Now, granted, when you’ve spent as much time as I have in this profession, you start to realize that every place is a little off.  Evil likes to burrow in like a tick, whenever it’s given an opening.  And human nature being what it is, somebody’s always going to open that door.  Demons are legalistic, and once they’re given a foothold, they’ll cling to it by right like the miserliest miser who ever went to sleep holding onto bags of cash. That metaphor got away from me a little, but you get the idea.  The point is, no matter how bucolic and peaceful a place looks on the surface, somewhere there’s a dark side to it.  Nature of the world as it is. Of course, the Otherworld is every bit as tenacious in the legalistic department, even if they aren’t usually quite as bad as the demons. I paused at the first of the three stop lights on Main Street, thankful for the momentary red light so that I could take stock. Try to figure out