I’m still hammering away at Thunder Run, but another SPOTREPS author, James Rosone, has a new book out today: Monroe Doctrine Volume 1. If you’ve been a fan of the Maelstrom Rising Series, you might give it a look, as it follows some similar threads, just down south.
Cuba discovers a vast reserve of rare earth minerals…
Spies converge on the Caribbean…
…In the midst of the chaos, opportunity rises.
In the wake of the new Global Depression, the governments of the Caribbean and South America are in free fall—that is, until a benefactor makes them an offer they can’t refuse.
Since the 1800s, the US has held to the Monroe Doctrine, which maintains that no foreign nations will be allowed to interfere within the United States’ sphere of influence. However, with America divided and civil unrest spreading across the country, the Chinese see this as their chance.
Will China’s AI-Supercomputers outsmart the West?
Will they succeed in supplanting the United States? Is the West capable of pulling together one more time or will they go down in history as a group of failed states?
China moves in to “save the world.”
It’s currently available on Kindle.
What’s your opinion of his other work? I was looking at the “Second American Civil War” and “Rise of the Republic” series…….
Haven’t read much of his other stuff, aside from his story for SPOTREPS. My fiction reading’s been a bit truncated lately.
I read his Second American Civil War series. Really good book series.