Chaos spreads across the galaxy…
…The Galactic Unity seems unstoppable.
How can an unprepared galaxy oppose them?
With Valdek behind them, Centurion Scalas and the Caractacan Brotherhood face the Unity’s challenge head-on.
But this war has been planned for a long time.
And the Unity has more weapons than just their vast clone armies.
As brushfires erupt across the galaxy, the Brotherhood and their allies must move quickly to band together before they fall one at a time. But can they stand against this juggernaut?
This one turns the scale of things up; the action isn’t limited to just one world or star system this time. The war is spreading, and the action is accordingly widespread. I’ve grumped before that Star Wars lost the sense of scale as soon as they started going back to Tatooine again, and again, and again.
I hope you’ll enjoy this massive space war story. The next chapter is coming soon.
The Alliance Rises is out on Kindle today