There’s a lot going on this October. It’s been a busy year, and some of it I haven’t been able to talk about yet.
With Area Denial having come out as the seventh Maelstrom Rising book just last month, a new option has become available through KDP Print: Hardcovers. I got the proof for Escalation just a couple weeks ago, and that volume is now available in hardcover on Amazon. The system’s still in Beta, so I’m taking it carefully, one volume at a time. Holding Action should be up soon. So far, I’m impressed. The proof printed beautifully, and the binding is solid. The rest of the series will be out in hardcover over the next couple of months, and hopefully Power Vacuum will come out in Kindle, paperback, and hardcover on release.
I’m wrapping up the first draft of the third book in a series I’m writing for Nick Cole’s and Jason Anspach’s Wargate Books. Nick approached me about this project a few months ago. Three more books to get written than I’d had planned for this year, but when somebody like Nick asks, you say, “Yes.” It’s a little different. Recon Marines meet a world of myths and monsters. There’s some of my normal military fiction mixed with some Jed Horn and some hardcore sword and sorcery. There’s still work to be done, but the first book should be out in January.
Once this is wrapped up, I’ll be hitting Blood Debt hard, and still hopefully getting the fourth and final book of The Unity Wars done and turned in by the end of the year. It’s already outlined and ready to go.
In other news, my friend James Rosone has a new book out today, co-written with Matt Jackson, a Vietnam vet and helicopter pilot. Project 19 is the first volume of an alternate history of the 1991 Gulf War:
What if Saddam Hussein…
…hadn’t stopped with Kuwait?
Project 19 might have worked.
No one knows how close Iraq came to invading Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. They wanted their money, and Saddam wanted revenge. In a world where the USSR ran a lend-lease program with the Iraqis, Saddam felt emboldened.
He’d convince the world that he was just bringing their 19th province back into the fold.
With an oil war going on, the Soviets threw their hats into the ring behind Iraq. If they’d had all the latest in equipment, the 100 hours war wouldn’t be so easily fought.
It could have changed history.
Would the Americans ultimately decide that this was a problem for the Arab nations to work out amongst themselves?
Would the stakes change?
How would Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm have turned out?
You’ll love this alternate history novel. It’s well-researched and will make you ask what might have been.
The ebook is only $0.99, so go pick it up.
Now, back to the word mines for me.
Great news, and loving Area Denial! You did well with that one!