And it’s time for our second release of the month. Strategic Assets went live at midnight. A few people of the paperback persuasion have already ordered it, since the paperback went live several days early.
They retook Gdansk…
…At a terrible cost for both sides.
Where and when will the next blow fall?
Winter is setting in, and Eastern Europe is hurting. Russians prowl on one side, while the European Defense Council’s forces sit on the German side of the border, strangely quiet. Matt and his team have recovered from the wounds they received in Gdansk, but as low-intensity warfare continues, the question remains:
What is the EDC waiting for?
The Triarii are sure that the same people who launched the war aren’t giving up. They’ve already killed thousands. Power is their only goal, and the EDC won’t simply leave the Americans and Poles in peace. They can’t. Too much blood has already been shed.
So, Matt and his team get a new mission.
Go deep into enemy territory and find out what is happening.
Before the next hammer blow ends the war for good…
Getting back to Grex Luporum Team X in Europe, this one’s a little different from the first two. The war is shifting and evolving, and will continue to do so as the series goes on, power structures shift, expensive assets are used up, and technology, techniques, and tactics adjust to the new normal.
You can get it on Kindle or Paperback here.
Woo hoo!
Really enjoyed the book review written at Amazon. Now the bad part, waiting for your next book.
So is it time for spoilers yet?
Not here. But I’ll put the Spoiler Thread up in The Action Thriller Renaissance soon.
You’ve referenced some domestic ops in most of your books, Detroit et al, did I miss something in reading the Praetorians series or will this be expanded on with a future book?
There might be a flashback story at some point, but right now, it’s just backstory.
Also, there is no direct in-universe link between American Praetorians and Maelstrom Rising. Maelstrom Rising is a “spiritual successor” to American Praetorians, but not a direct sequel.
Appreciate both replies, I’m reading SA now, thank you for all the great novels.