Nightmares is now available for pre-order on Kindle. One Brush With The Darkness… That’s all it took. Now, years before a Fallen Angel is nearly unleashed upon the town of Silverton, Jed Horn is merely a troubled former Marine who is haunted by nightmares of the terrible being that slaughtered his comrades that night in the Iraqi desert. Desperate for answers and proof that he’s not crazy, Jed has gone down some dangerous roads, and attracted the attention of forces just as malicious as the one that started him on the path. But when he’s found by a priest and a Witch Hunter of the Order of the Silver Cross, Jed has a chance to find the answers he’s looking for, as well as fight back against the darkness that he’d never been sure even existed. As he embarks on this timeless war, he first has to confront the forces that have focused on him during his search… The other ebook formats will be available, as well as paperback.
First Draft Done
The first draft of Nightmares is done. It’s slightly longer than A Silver Cross and a Winchester. It’s out to the Alpha Readers, and I’ll start in on editing in the next day or so. Giving the brain a bit of a break. Hopefully, I should be able to have it up for Kindle pre-order in the next couple of days. Next up, Hard Target (working title; if something else comes up as better, it’ll change, just like Hunting in the Shadows did). Huge amount of research going into this one; it’s an AO I’m not personally familiar with, and touching on some big-time, heavy duty global concepts. Lotta work. Can’t wait to get started. Meanwhile, a little snippet from Nightmares: I don’t know how I hadn’t seen this bad boy before; he was almost a head taller than the rest, broad-shouldered and thick-limbed, with a massive pair of curling ram’s horns rising from his skull. He stamped the ground and roared a challenge. The bleating tone to the roar kind of took away from the effect a little. He threw his arms wide and stamped again, dropping his head to charge. I shot him center chest. Dan’s shot was
Things to Come
Things have been busy, for all the lack of general updates. I’m a contributor to the latest SOFREP ebook, The ISIS Solution, available for pre-order on Amazon. This was a short-fuse project; between about five of us, we got it knocked out in about a week. Here’s the cover: It comes out on November 18. Meanwhile, I’m working on the next Jed Horn story, Nightmares, set some time before A Silver Cross and a Winchester. This will be the story of Jed’s introduction to the Order and his first “case.” I think it’s coming along a little bit more cohesively than the first, personally. The next Praetorian book, tentatively titled Hard Target, is also in the works; the research phase has begun. This one’s going to be complicated. (I know, it’s not like the others are…) Jeff and his team are going somewhere a little less dry, although just as hot, and the players are a little more diverse this time. I don’t want to give too much away, but this one will be touching on things a little bit more global in scope. I’ve also started outlining a science fiction story. It actually jumped out at me while re-working a
Announcing the Launch Giveaway Winners
The launch giveaway has ended, and the winners are: Grand Prize: Logan Humenik Signed Copies of Alone and Unafraid: Dave Compton and Randall Long Congratulations.
Alone and Unafraid Released

Amazon: Barnes & Noble: Barnes & Noble is still behind; the ebook was delivered a week ago, but they still don’t have it up. It’s also available on Apple iBooks.
Pre-Order Alone and Unafraid
So, Kindle Direct Publishing recently instituted Kindle pre-orders for independent publishers. This means that at least for the electronic versions, I can actually set a release date. While a little bit further out would probably help more, I’m still figuring this out, and I’m sure some of you (based on some of the comments I’ve been getting) are getting a little impatient. So, without further ado, the pre-order for the Kindle edition of Alone and Unafraid is live. It will release on August 26th. I’m hoping to have the paperback out then as well, give or take a day; we’ll have to see how the proof comes out. The pre-order page: This book will also be enrolled in Kindle Matchbook, meaning that if you buy the paperback (once it’s out, obviously), you can get the Kindle version at a reduced price.
First Look at the Cover, and an Advance Review
First things first; we have a cover. Still a work in progress, but it’s pretty close to finalized at this point. My friend Dave Reeder has also posted his early review of the book to RECOIL’s website:
Snippet Four, Alone and Unafraid
“You know,” Black said as I walked into his small room/cell, “if you’d taken me along it could have worked out a lot simpler. I could have gotten us in as Project contractors, then we could have either started schwacking ‘em from the inside, or walked out if it was too hot. You guys keep up this kinetic door-kicking shit and there aren’t going to be many of you left before long.” I studied him impassively. Unfortunately, he had a point. I just hated to hear it from a guy who had been paid to support our sworn enemies. “What’s your deal, Black?” I asked. “We capture you fighting with ISIS, but now you want to be all buddy-buddy?” He spread his hands. “Put yourself in my shoes. Not only do I finally get offered work—and you guys should know how hard that is to come by these days—but it’s a chance to deal some hurt to some real bad guys. We got to see some really scary shit intel-wise about what the IRGC is up to. Hezbollah moving CBRN materials into the US from Mexico, nuclear and missile deals with not only North Korea but the Russians and Chinese,
Snippet Three, Alone and Unafraid
Missed it last week; been up to my eyeballs editing. ********************************************** Nick swung the HiLux around the corner and gunned it, accelerating rapidly toward the target building. As he did, I heard the snap of shots overhead even over the roar of the engine, and three dim figures in the street dropped. A fourth tried to run, but a flurry of gunfire cut him down, sending him sprawling on his face in the middle of the street, his limbs gone loose in death. Then we were in front of the gate and jumping out of the vehicle. We had to rely on Mike’s team to keep anyone outside off the trucks. We simply didn’t have the manpower to keep security on the vehicles while the rest went inside. We needed every gun on the assault, so seven of us piled out and stacked on the gate, while Cyrus drove the second HiLux almost directly in front of it. Little Bob grabbed the chain in the back, which was already hooked to the truck’s frame, looped it through the lattice at the top of the gate, and hooked it onto itself. Cyrus gunned the engine, ripping the gate off its
Snippet Two, Alone and Unafraid
The first draft was finished on Saturday, and editing has commenced. Meanwhile, here’s the next snippet: **************************** Jim and I were waiting at the RV point, two blocks from the target house. We were both dressed like locals. Jim had gone more traditional, wearing a light dishdasha and a brown coat. I was wearing jeans, shoes, and a t-shirt with a leather coat. I was still a little big for a local, but in the dark it made less of a difference. First glance was all that mattered at the moment; if it went beyond that, both of us had our .45s hidden under our coats, along with soft armor. The long guns were in duffels in the HiLux. Cyrus and Marcus approached us, similarly dressed, and we made a great show of greeting each other, embracing and shaking hands. From a distance, it would look like any group of men meeting on the street. We moved to the HiLux and drove around the block to an abandoned construction site where the rest of the team was waiting. Cyrus and Marcus hadn’t been part of my team before. They’d been Mike’s boys, but with the casualties we’d taken over the