Bit of a different stream this month; we’re not talking with another author, but with a lawyer. Ian Runkle is a Canadian criminal defense and firearms lawyer. We usually end up talking about guns anyway on this stream, so, with SHOT Show recently going down, we’ll be talking all things firearms, on both sides of the northern border. Come join us. As usual, we’ll be on YouTube, Rumble, and Twitter/X.
Doc Spears is Back

Last stream of the year, and we got Doc Spears back to jaw with us. Since it’s late in the year, we don’t necessarily have a topic right off the bat, so we’ll be talking writing, history, war… the usual. Come and join us. For those who aren’t familiar, Doc Spears is a former Special Forces soldier, surgeon, current instructor with Forge Tactical, and Wargate author. It’s always good to talk to Doc. We’ll be on YouTube, Rumble, and Twitter/X.
Geopolitical Peanut Gallery

Not really talking about writing or fiction on the stream this month. A lot’s going on in the world, and since social media seems to be the predominant source of information for a lot of people, the perception is generally wrong, dumb, inflammatory, or a combination of all three. We’re going to address some of it. War, geopolitics, propaganda, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, Ukraine, Mexico… It’s all on the table tonight. Buckle up. We’ll be on YouTube, Rumble, and Twitter/X.
A Spooky Stream for October

We might have missed September, but we’re back for October, “Spooky Season,” in time to talk monsters, haints, spooks, and other things that go bump in the night. And some of those that “bump back.” Something in the Dark came out, fittingly, only a couple weeks ago, so we’ll probably get around to some Jed Horn, too. You can watch on YouTube, Rumble, or over on X.
Demoralization vs. Patriotism on Stream

Going to be a bit of a different stream tonight. We’ve been talking amongst ourselves for a while about this problem, about a form of revisionist history and a Plato’s Cave of media and social media that has reduced our society to a vaguely connected pack of self-centered individualists who no longer believe in much of anything, and so are being duped by just about everything. We’re going to discuss it tonight, in about as much depth as we can get in an hour and a half, two hours. There might be some follow-ons. We’ll see. Yes, I do have a release out this month, and I’ve talked live with Nick Cole and Walt Robillard on X about it. It will get some time tonight, but not the main focus. Come and join us. (Going to try for X again tonight, but we’ll see how it works out.)
Galaxy’s Edge Fan Expo AAR

It has been a while. It’s been a busy summer, and the blog has suffered, plus we had to skip the stream last month. We’re back now, though, and Walt Robillard, the Wargate Books Trunk Monkey (his actual job title) joins us to talk about the Galaxy’s Edge Fan Expo, which went down in Oak Harbor, WA, last weekend, as well as books, science fiction, fantasy, dogs, knives, martial arts, interesting violence in interesting places, and anything else that might come up. (Walt’s also the author of the sixth Order of the Centurion novel, Callsign Valkyrie, as well as the Forgotten Ruin spinoff Underspire.) Come join us. We’ll be on YouTube, Rumble, and X/Twitter again.
Galaxy’s Edge Season Three Chat

The Emperors, Nick Cole and Jason Anspach, join us this month to chat about Galaxy’s Edge Season Three. GE changed a lot when it launched in 2017 with Legionnaire, and it’s not often a series can go this long with such a fanatically dedicated reader base. Nick and Jason have also been both friends and publishers of mine, lending advice, support, bringing me in to contribute to the Order of the Centurion series, and publishing The Lost (plus a couple more upcoming series). Come and join us. We’ll also be on my Twitter/X account:
Guns, Mags, and Words – David Reeder Joins the Stream

This month we’re joined by the founder of Breach Bang Clear and one of the first to really help get the word out about the American Praetorians series, back when your host was just getting started. Writer, SPOTREPS contributor, and web guru David Reeder. Dave was one of the first enthusiasts about the American Praetorians series, after I sent him a copy of Task Force Desperate in the hopes that Breach Bang Clear would review it. In fact, he put the review on’s Kit Up, which got the book some visibility it would not otherwise have had. He is also a SPOTREPs contributor, having written two pieces for that anthology. We’re doing the stream slightly differently tonight, streaming on YouTube, Rumble, and Twitter/X. Come and join us. The Twitter stream will be on my profile: @AmericanPraeto2
Mongol Moon Live

No, we’re not reading Mongol Moon on stream, but we do have the author, Mark Sibley, joining us this month. As a fellow Wargate author, and also an author of near future war scenarios, we should have a lot to talk about. Even with the inevitable tangents. Come and join us on YouTube, Rumble, or Facebook. (We might experiment a little with Twitter next month, which will require cutting one of those destinations out.)
The Starship Troopers Stream

So, this might be technically a little late, but Starship Troopers was all over the internet a week or so ago. We’re going to talk about it. The book, the movie, and how bug people don’t understand what “fascism” is. Of course, it being the AP/Slack Ops crew, this could go all sorts of ways. Since the book is more an exercise in political and leadership philosophy than a straight mil-sf story, this could get deep. Come and join us. We’ll be on Rumble, too. (Rumble doesn’t seem to play well with WordPress, or that stream would be embedded here, too.)