Some of you have already noticed the new covers for the Brannigan’s Blackhearts series in the sidebar. While I know a few have been getting close to despair that the series was ever going to continue, never fear. The facelift (to include descriptions on the Amazon pages) was all I was waiting for–well, that and the need to get some serious work done on Maelstrom Rising. Now that the cover revamp is done, I can get back to work on Enemy of My Enemy. In fact, I already have. It’s coming along nicely, and is already up for preorder. It’ll be out in December.
A new terror mastermind is on the rise…
…And the Blackhearts might have a chance to stop him
But is the opportunity a trap?
Abu Mokhtar al Shishani wants to be the next Osama bin Laden. And if he takes delivery of the five former Soviet backpack nukes making their way across Central Asia, he just might accomplish that goal.
But no one knows where the nukes are.
The Russians have located the money that al Shishani intends to buy the nukes with. And since they have a mutual enemy, they’ve approached the US for help to seize it. The cache is in Azerbaijan, and they don’t want a large Russian footprint on the operation.
Enter Brannigan’s Blackhearts.
It’s going to be a difficult mission already.
But the Chechens and the Azeris might be the least of their worries…
The Azeri-Armenian war over Nagorno-Kharabakh (which Mike Kupari and I already featured in a story) flared up well after I started this book, but the locations in Azerbaijan are some distance away from the Kharabakh region. It’s a small country, and it still would affect the events a little, but then, this is also a more fictional universe than either American Praetorians or Maelstrom Rising, so it isn’t necessarily going to be that “ripped from the headlines” topical.
I should be able to start working Brannigan’s Blackhearts titles into the rotation a bit more regularly now. Getting the cover revamp done all at once was a bit of a hurdle, but now that it’s done, only one at a time will be a lot easier. There will be plenty more merc stories yet.
I liked the old covers, very similar to the Gold Eagle books of my youth. It’s the story that counts, can’t wait for the next book.