I’ve gotten a request to start a newsletter. Would anyone else be interested in a quarterly newsletter with updates and announcements, such as pre-orders and release dates? UPDATE: You can now find a newsletter sign-up link at the top of my blog and on my website.
Caveat Emptor: Oris and Force Reconnaissance UPDATE
UPDATE: Oris’ CEO has written to the CO of 1st Force Reconnaissance Company, and is seeking to donate to Recon non-profits. It appears that they are sincere, and got led down the wrong path. Good on ’em. ********** Recently, the Swiss watch company Oris announced that they have entered into a partnership with Marine Force Reconnaissance, and are selling a watch with the Force Recon logo on it. The truth is, Oris is NOT in any way actually partnered with the Force Reconnaissance community.
The Walker on the Hills, Chapter 2
Gravel crunched under my truck’s tires as we rolled up Ray’s long driveway in the dying light of the next day. Eryn was half asleep in the passenger seat, her head lolling against the window. It had been a long day. There had been a lot of questions in the Forth Police Department. A lot. And no surprise, really. They had a missing kid, bleached human bones, a weird pile of ash and greasy rags, three very traumatized teenagers, gunshots, and two people from out of town who weren’t terribly forthcoming as to what they were doing there with the kids or what they’d been shooting at. Any cop worth his or her salt would be inclined to throw everybody in jail until they had answers. Fortunately, we were saved a lot of time and heartburn by a curious side-effect of the hag’s spell. While the kids had appeared comatose, they were in fact completely aware of their surroundings the entire time. Hags are cruel creatures.