Wow, it’s been a long time since I updated this page. Sorry about that. So, I’m presently banging away at Alone and Unafraid, the third Praetorian novel. Put simply, it’s being something of a bear. While I’m a significant part of the way done, it’s not done yet, and it’s probably going to require some serious rewrites. It is coming, eventually. That said, I’ve got three more Jed Horn stories on the horizon, one of which is a prequel to A Silver Cross and a Winchester, revealing Jed’s introduction to the Order. The other two come after Silver Cross. There’s a haunted sanitarium, an age-old evil that’s claimed the lives of twenty Hunters over the last century, and a few other things that go bump in the night. The Praetorian series has taken a turn away from the direction I thought it would, and that’s, I think, for the better. Provided I get Alone and Unafraid done, we’ll see stories coming up in the Tri-Border Area of South America, Mexico, Nigeria, Eastern Europe (I foresee a long-standing feud between the Praetorians and the SVD/Mafiya), and possibly Central Asia somewhere. There’s also a stand-alone about fighting Malay pirates that I’ll admit